Sewing Room Dropcam

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Figured this up while watching TV

That's what I call multi-tasking.  I'm pretty sure I got the numbers correct since it comes up with the same number of blocks both ways.  There are twenty-five 4" blocks across and down so that's 625 and adding up all of the different 4" blocks comes up to 625.  The quilt size is 100"x100".  With 3 blocks x 4 blocks it would be 76"x100.

The parts are all very simple, straight seams. 
This really doesn't look hard at all other than having so many small pieces.


  1. It really is an easy quilt when you break down the parts. Not that I've made it, LOL. I think your parts will be even easier if you look at it like two 9-patch blocks like this (last 3 pix on this page):

    It will look beautiful in your color scheme!

  2. Thanks for the link! Funny how there is such a different way to put it together than what I figured it would be.

  3. Thank for the tuto


  4. Shiela has a good point when it comes to looking at difficult quilt blocks or a large quilt pattern. I also look at it in small pieces & have gotten so good at it, that I'm testing myself to make a few blocks that look difficult (because of having so many smaller blocks or pieces in it) that I think I'll be able to make them without knowing the size/measurements of each individual piece that makes up just ONE BLOCK. Wish me luck.

  5. Amei este projeto! Deve exIgir muito atenção!

  6. O loved This project. Beautifull.
